Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Peru based on data from the 2022 Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO)
Poverty Probability Index (PPI) lookup table for Peru based on data from the 2022 Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO)
A data frame with 15 columns and 101 rows:
PPI score
Food poverty line
National poverty line (100%)
National poverty line (150%)
National poverty line (200%)
Below $2.15 per day purchasing power parity (2017)
Below $3.65 per day purchasing power parity (2017)
Below $6.85 per day purchasing power parity (2017)
Below $1.90 per day purchasing power parity (2011)
Below $3.20 per day purchasing power parity (2011)
Below $5.50 per day purchasing power parity (2011)
Below 20th percentile poverty line
Below 40th percentile poverty line
Below 60th percentile poverty line
Below 80th percentile poverty line
# Access Peru PPI table
#> # A tibble: 101 × 15
#> score nlFood nl100 nl150 nl200 ppp215 ppp365 ppp685 ppp190 ppp320 ppp550
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0 67.0 37.9 87.7 95.5 16.1 45.4 80.6 10.7 36.1 69.2
#> 2 1 66.0 35.9 87.3 95.3 15.3 43.8 79.6 10.2 34.6 67.5
#> 3 2 64.9 33.9 86.8 95.1 14.5 42.3 78.5 9.69 33.2 65.8
#> 4 3 63.9 32.0 86.3 94.9 13.8 40.7 77.3 9.21 31.8 64.0
#> 5 4 62.8 30.1 85.8 94.7 13.1 39.1 76.2 8.75 30.5 62.2
#> 6 5 61.8 28.3 85.3 94.5 12.4 37.6 75.0 8.31 29.1 60.4
#> 7 6 60.7 26.6 84.8 94.3 11.8 36.1 73.7 7.89 27.8 58.6
#> 8 7 59.6 24.9 84.2 94.0 11.2 34.6 72.4 7.49 26.6 56.7
#> 9 8 58.5 23.4 83.6 93.8 10.6 33.2 71.1 7.11 25.4 54.8
#> 10 9 57.4 21.8 83.1 93.6 10.0 31.8 69.7 6.75 24.2 52.9
#> # ℹ 91 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: percentile20 <dbl>, percentile40 <dbl>,
#> # percentile60 <dbl>, percentile80 <dbl>
# Given a specific PPI score (from 0 - 100), get the row of poverty
# probabilities from PPI table it corresponds to
ppiScore <- 50
ppiPER2024[ppiPER2024$score == ppiScore, ]
#> # A tibble: 1 × 15
#> score nlFood nl100 nl150 nl200 ppp215 ppp365 ppp685 ppp190 ppp320 ppp550
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 50 17.4 0.785 46.6 72.8 0.936 3.20 13.5 0.714 2.32 4.56
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: percentile20 <dbl>, percentile40 <dbl>,
#> # percentile60 <dbl>, percentile80 <dbl>
# Use subset() function to get the row of poverty probabilities corresponding
# to specific PPI score
ppiScore <- 50
subset(ppiPER2024, score == ppiScore)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 15
#> score nlFood nl100 nl150 nl200 ppp215 ppp365 ppp685 ppp190 ppp320 ppp550
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 50 17.4 0.785 46.6 72.8 0.936 3.20 13.5 0.714 2.32 4.56
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: percentile20 <dbl>, percentile40 <dbl>,
#> # percentile60 <dbl>, percentile80 <dbl>
# Given a specific PPI score (from 0 - 100), get a poverty probability
# based on a specific poverty definition. In this example, the USAID
# extreme poverty definition
ppiScore <- 50
ppiPER2024[ppiPER2024$score == ppiScore, "nl100"]
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#> nl100
#> <dbl>
#> 1 0.785