Search for PPI table by specifying region, country and/or calculation type.
Search for PPI table by specifying region, country and/or calculation type.
- region
Region of the world to search PPI table from. Default is
c("Africa", "Asia", "Eastern Europe and Central Asia", "Latin America and the Carribean", "Middle East and North Africa")
. Allows specification of one region or a vector of regions.- country
Country to search PPI table from. Default is vector of all country names from the specified region/s. Allows specification of one country name or a vector of country names.
- type
Type of PPI calculation used. Can be one of two options:
for the Simple Poverty Scorecard calculation or"ipa"
for the International Poverty Alliance calculation. Default is vector of all calculation types available for the specified country/ies.
A data frame in tibble
format of corresponding PPI table/s
matching the search parameters. The data frame contains information on the
, country
, description
, survey year
release year
, calculation type
, and filename
of the
returned PPI table/s.
## View the full data frame of all the PPI tables available through ppitables
#> # A tibble: 116 × 7
#> region country survey_year release_year description type filename
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Asia Afghan… 2007 2012 PPI for Af… sps ppiAFG2…
#> 2 Africa Angola 2008 2015 PPI for An… sps ppiAGO2…
#> 3 Asia Bangla… 2010 2013 PPI for Ba… sps ppiBEN2…
#> 4 Africa Benin 2010 2012 PPI for Be… sps ppiBGD2…
#> 5 Africa Benin 2018 2022 PPI for Be… ipa ppiBEN2…
#> 6 Africa Benin 2018 2022 PPI for Be… ipa ppiBEN2…
#> 7 Latin American a… Bolivia 2013 2015 PPI for Bo… sps ppiBOL2…
#> 8 Latin American a… Bolivia 2020 2023 PPI for Bo… ipa ppiBOL2…
#> 9 Latin American a… Brazil 2008 2010 PPI for Br… sps ppiBRA2…
#> 10 Africa Burkin… 2003 2011 PPI for Bu… sps ppiBFA2…
#> # ℹ 106 more rows