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Search for PPI table by specifying region, country and/or calculation type.


  region = steer$region,
  country = steer$country[steer$region %in% region],
  type = steer$type[steer$country %in% country]



Region of the world to search PPI table from. Default is c("Africa", "Asia", "Eastern Europe and Central Asia", "Latin America and the Carribean", "Middle East and North Africa"). Allows specification of one region or a vector of regions.


Country to search PPI table from. Default is vector of all country names from the specified region/s. Allows specification of one country name or a vector of country names.


Type of PPI calculation used. Can be one of two options: "sps" for the Simple Poverty Scorecard calculation or "ipa" for the International Poverty Alliance calculation. Default is vector of all calculation types available for the specified country/ies.


A data frame in tibble format of corresponding PPI table/s matching the search parameters. The data frame contains information on the region, country, description, survey year, release year, calculation type, and filename of the returned PPI table/s.


## View the full data frame of all the PPI tables available through ppitables
#> # A tibble: 116 × 7
#>    region            country survey_year release_year description type  filename
#>    <chr>             <chr>         <int>        <int> <chr>       <chr> <chr>   
#>  1 Asia              Afghan…        2007         2012 PPI for Af… sps   ppiAFG2…
#>  2 Africa            Angola         2008         2015 PPI for An… sps   ppiAGO2…
#>  3 Asia              Bangla…        2010         2013 PPI for Ba… sps   ppiBEN2…
#>  4 Africa            Benin          2010         2012 PPI for Be… sps   ppiBGD2…
#>  5 Africa            Benin          2018         2022 PPI for Be… ipa   ppiBEN2…
#>  6 Africa            Benin          2018         2022 PPI for Be… ipa   ppiBEN2…
#>  7 Latin American a… Bolivia        2013         2015 PPI for Bo… sps   ppiBOL2…
#>  8 Latin American a… Bolivia        2020         2023 PPI for Bo… ipa   ppiBOL2…
#>  9 Latin American a… Brazil         2008         2010 PPI for Br… sps   ppiBRA2…
#> 10 Africa            Burkin…        2003         2011 PPI for Bu… sps   ppiBFA2…
#> # ℹ 106 more rows