Katilingban consultants' experience list
A tibble with 141 rows and 12 columns
Variable | Description |
project_name | Name of project |
type1 | Project type 1 |
type2 | Project type 2 |
type3 | Project type 3 |
year | Year of project |
country | Country location of project |
subnational_location | Subnational location of project |
consultant | Name of consultant |
location | Full name of location |
lon | Longitude coordinate of project location |
lat | Latitude coordinate of project location |
tooltip | Tooltip |
#> # A tibble: 141 × 12
#> project_name type1 type2 type3 year country subnational_location consultant
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 SQUEAC Asse… Comm… Cove… SQUE… <chr> Sudan Kassala Emmanuel …
#> 2 SQUEAC Asse… Comm… Cove… SQUE… <chr> Sudan North Darfur Emmanuel …
#> 3 Coverage as… Esse… Cove… S3M <chr> Liberia Greater Monrovia Emmanuel …
#> 4 Coverage as… Esse… Cove… S3M <chr> Liberia Grand Bassa Emmanuel …
#> 5 Focused Eth… Deve… Study FES <chr> India Bhodgaya block, Gay… Emmanuel …
#> 6 Infant & Yo… Infa… Study FES <dttm> Malawi Lilongwe Emmanuel …
#> 7 Coverage as… Chil… Cove… SQUE… <chr> Nigeria Jigawa Emmanuel …
#> 8 Coverage as… Chil… Cove… SQUE… <chr> Nigeria Zamfara Emmanuel …
#> 9 Programme M… Comm… Nutr… Tech… <chr> Malawi Dedza Emmanuel …
#> 10 Programme M… Comm… Nutr… Tech… <chr> Malawi Mchinji Emmanuel …
#> # ℹ 131 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: location <chr>, lon <dbl>, lat <dbl>, tooltip <chr>