Get list of thematic areas from

get_themes(base = "")



Base URL of the en-net site. Set to


A tibble containing the thematic areas from en-net forum and the corresponding URLs for each thematic area


#> # A tibble: 17 × 2
#>    themes                                                                  links
#>    <chr>                                                                   <chr>
#>  1 Announcements & Nutritionists needed                                    http…
#>  2 Assessment and Surveillance                                             http…
#>  3 COVID-19 and nutrition programming                                      http…
#>  4 Cross-cutting issues                                                    http…
#>  5 Food assistance                                                         http…
#>  6 Infant and young child feeding interventions                            http…
#>  7 Management of small and nutritionally at risk infants under six months… http…
#>  8 Micronutrients                                                          http…
#>  9 Partnerships for research                                               http…
#> 10 Management of wasting/acute malnutrition                                http…
#> 11 Prevention and management of stunting                                   http…
#> 12 Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)                                              http…
#> 13 Upcoming trainings                                                      http…
#> 14 Other thematic area                                                     http…
#> 15 Adolescent nutrition                                                    http…
#> 16 Simplified Approaches for the Management of Acute Malnutrition          http…
#> 17 Costing and cost-effectiveness of wasting programmes                    http…