Get theme topics




URL of a specific thematic area


A tibble of all topics for the specified thematic area.


themes <- ennet_themes
get_theme_topics(link = themes$links[4])
#> # A tibble: 48 × 7
#>    Theme                Topic              Views Replies Author Posted     Link 
#>    <chr>                <chr>              <int>   <int> <chr>  <date>     <chr>
#>  1 Cross-cutting issues How can digital p…  4359       2 Shahe… 2021-03-26 http…
#>  2 Cross-cutting issues Call for input to…  5104       0 Anony… 2019-05-10 http…
#>  3 Cross-cutting issues How Nestle penetr…  5249       0 Kiros… 2019-05-01 http…
#>  4 Cross-cutting issues Gender              5724       9 Sulta… 2019-03-15 http…
#>  5 Cross-cutting issues Transitioning eme…  5000       0 Abiga… 2019-02-17 http…
#>  6 Cross-cutting issues Despite having wo… 11192       4 Melak… 2019-01-29 http…
#>  7 Cross-cutting issues ENN and CHIFA       6189       1 Neil … 2018-05-16 http…
#>  8 Cross-cutting issues Demande d'informa…  7021       1 Eliza… 2017-10-30 http…
#>  9 Cross-cutting issues Possibilités accr…  7459       0 Andi … 2017-09-25 http…
#> 10 Cross-cutting issues malnutrition        6842       0 Anony… 2017-09-24 http…
#> # … with 38 more rows