Produce a tidy dataframe of Scaling Up Nutrition Movement's progress reports from 2011 to 2017
Returns a tidy data frame of Scaling Up Nutrition Movement's published
annual progress reports from 2011 to 2017 with five columns: text
, which
contains the text of the progress reports divided into elements of up to about
70 characters each, page
, which contains the page number to which the
belongs to in the corresponding report, linenumber
, which
contains the linenumber where the text
can be found in the corresponding
report, chapter
, which contains the chapter where the text
be found in the corresponding report, and year
, which contains the year
in which the corresponding report was released.
#> # A tibble: 36,807 × 5
#> text page linenumber chapter year
#> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 Preface 3 1 0 2011
#> 2 One year ago, I joined a group of leaders in … 3 2 0 2011
#> 3 We set ourselves the ambitious target of subs… 3 3 0 2011
#> 4 1,000-day period of a child’s life, from preg… 3 4 0 2011
#> 5 The need for such an initiative is abundantly… 3 5 0 2011
#> 6 following prolonged drought in the Horn of Af… 3 6 0 2011
#> 7 support national authorities as they help vul… 3 7 0 2011
#> 8 security, and resist the impact of climatic a… 3 8 0 2011
#> 9 obesity, diabetes and heart disease in later … 3 9 0 2011
#> 10 on Non-Communicable Diseases especially timel… 3 10 0 2011
#> # ℹ 36,797 more rows