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SUN Movement annual progress report 2017




A tibble with 4 columns and 7586 rows:

textLine of text from the 2017 annual progress report
pagePage number to which line of text can be found
linenumberLine number of text
chapterDocument chapter to which line of text can be found


Scaling Up Nutrition Movement 2017


#> # A tibble: 7,415 × 4
#>    text                                                  page linenumber chapter
#>    <chr>                                                <int>      <int>   <int>
#>  1 "© UNICEF / Fréderic Noy"                               14          1       0
#>  2 "                                Summary and key me…    14          2       0
#>  3 "                                MOVING FROM INSPIR…    14          3       0
#>  4 "                                – FOR IMPACT ON PE…    14          4       0
#>  5 "                                Key 2016-2017 high…    14          5       0
#>  6 "                                More and more, nut…    14          6       0
#>  7 "                                attainment of the …    14          7       0
#>  8 "                                is grounded in the…    14          8       0
#>  9 "                                Nutrition (SUN) Mo…    14          9       0
#> 10 "                                Countries will, by…    14         10       0
#> # ℹ 7,405 more rows