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SUN Movement annual progress report 2014




A tibble with 4 columns and 3873 rows:

textLine of text from the 2014 annual progress report
pagePage number to which line of text can be found
linenumberLine number of text
chapterDocument chapter to which line of text can be found


Scaling Up Nutrition Movement 2014


#> # A tibble: 3,787 × 4
#>    text                                                  page linenumber chapter
#>    <chr>                                                <int>      <int>   <int>
#>  1 "                 Overview: SUN Movement"                7          1       0
#>  2 "                 2014 Annual Progress Report"           7          2       0
#>  3 "         I.   The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movem…     7          3       0
#>  4 "              the Indian state of Maharashtra comm…     7          4       0
#>  5 "              nutrition with support from the four…     7          5       0
#>  6 "              and country levels. Thirteen countri…     7          6       0
#>  7 "              on ensuring that the experience of b…     7          7       0
#>  8 "         II.  Throughout SUN countries, there has …     7          8       0
#>  9 "              (See Chapter 2). At the same time, t…     7          9       0
#> 10 "              mirrored by a number of regional and…     7         10       0
#> # ℹ 3,777 more rows