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Scaling Up Nutrition investment database




A tibble with 14 columns and 16313 rows.

CountryCountry name
Budget yearYear (as character value) budget is for
Ministry, department or agencyName of ministry, department or agency
Search termSearch term
Budget line itemName of budget line item
Budget line item descriptionDescription of budget line item
Nutrition-Sensitive/SpecificClassification of budget line item
SectorSector classification for budget line item
Nutrition-sensitive typologyType of nutrition-sensitive budget line item
Nutrition-specific typologyType of nutrition-specific budget line item
Currency codeThee letter code for country currency
Allocations (Country currency)Amount in country currency (as character value) allocated to budget line item
Deflator allocations (Country currency)Amount in country currency (as numeric value) allocated to budget line item
Available sub-national informationIs there sub-national information available?



#> # A tibble: 16,313 × 14
#>    Country `Budget year` Ministry, department…¹ `Search term` `Budget line item`
#>    <chr>           <dbl> <chr>                  <chr>         <chr>             
#>  1 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Education  Not Identifi… Health promotion  
#>  2 Afghan…          2019 Afghanistan Urban Wat… Not Identifi… Feasibility Study…
#>  3 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Public He… Not Identifi… Construction of H…
#>  4 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Agricultu… Not Identifi… Investment progra…
#>  5 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Agricultu… Not Identifi… Irrigation projec…
#>  6 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Women's A… Not Identifi… Toll Free Helper …
#>  7 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Agricultu… Not Identifi… Agriculture marke…
#>  8 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Energy an… Not Identifi… Construction and …
#>  9 Afghan…          2019 Technicle and Vocatio… Not Identifi… Construction, Reh…
#> 10 Afghan…          2019 Ministry of Agricultu… Not Identifi… National program …
#> # ℹ 16,303 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Ministry, department or agency`
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: `Budget line item description` <chr>,
#> #   `Nutrition-Sensitive/Specific` <chr>, Sector <chr>,
#> #   `Nutrition-sensitive typology` <chr>, `Nutrition-specific typology` <chr>,
#> #   `Currency code` <chr>, `Allocations (Country currency)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Deflator allocations (Country currency)` <dbl>, …