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Colours based on visual identity guidelines of various organisations




A tibble with 5 fields

nameOrganisation colour name
codeOrganisation colour code
rgbThree integers for the red, green, blue components of the RGB colour model
cmykFour integers for the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components of the CMYK colour model
hexHexadecimal codes for corresponding colour
pantonePantone colour name


#> # A tibble: 60 × 7
#>    organisation name             code            rgb         cmyk  hex   pantone
#>  * <chr>        <chr>            <chr>           <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1 Africa CDC   ACDC Green       acdc_green      52, 143, 65 81, … #348… 7740C  
#>  2 Africa CDC   ACDC Gold        acdc_gold       180, 162, … 31, … #B4A… 4515C  
#>  3 Africa CDC   ACDC Black       acdc_black      0, 0, 0     0, 0… #000… Black C
#>  4 Africa CDC   ACDC Brown       acdc_brown      107, 76, 36 43, … #6B4… 1405C  
#>  5 Africa CDC   ACDC Yellow      acdc_yellow     224, 143, … 11, … #E08… 129C   
#>  6 Africa CDC   ACDC Orange      acdc_orange     196, 91, 57 18, … #C45… 158C   
#>  7 Africa CDC   ACDC Red         acdc_red        120, 44, 45 33, … #782… 1807C  
#>  8 Africa CDC   ACDC Dark Green  acdc_dark_green 75, 84, 48  69, … #4B5… 364C   
#>  9 World Bank   WB Sapphire Blue wb_blue         0 35 69     96, … #002… 5003C  
#> 10 World Bank   WB Cyan          wb_cyan         0 173 228   100,… #009… 5015C  
#> # ℹ 50 more rows