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A collection of palettes, themes, and theme components based on publicly available branding guidelines of various non-governmental organisations, government agencies, and United Nations units.

What does paleta do?

paleta provides or will be providing utilities for applying the visual identity and/or branding guidelines of various non-governmental organisations, government agencies, and United Nations units.

Currently, paleta has colours, palettes, and ggplot2 themes based on the following organisations’ branding/visual identity guidelines:

Additional colours, palettes, and themes will be provided over time.


paleta is not yet available on CRAN but can be installed through the Katilingban R Universe repository as follows:

  repos = c(

Community guidelines

Feedback, bug reports and feature requests are welcome; file issues or seek support here. If you would like to contribute to the package, please see our contributing guidelines.

This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.